Wednesday, January 13, 2010

An SEO Tip: Why video and emerging social networks are important

I really enjoy the "game" of online marketing.  There is an entire subculture of players and a game that extends across the entire world.  That being said, I couldn't imagine relying on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a primary form of marketing.  These days, I see it more as a tool than anything else.

I’m adding this tip to this in depth SEO resource:

This year will mark the implementation of cumulative logic to determine relevance in search results.  This isn't news for anyone following search engine trends.  From Twitter to Facebook to almost every major source of traffic online, search engines such as Google and Bing are more and more relying on human powered patterns to figure out what a human is searching for.

With this in mind, I have noticed something that smart folks are doing on video sharing sites such as Youtube.

Here's how it works:

Start with a video.  As with any content, the better the quality, the more productive the traffic will be.

Create a high quality, informative, video.  For example, if you're working with an independent restaurant, create a high quality video that revolves around the keywords you're trying to match.  If you're using this strategy in volume, low quality videos will work, they just won't be as productive.

Here's the part where the rubber meets the road.  First, identify all of the Tube / video sites that accept video submissions.  Youtube, etc.  Next, keyword every available field.  Don't just stuff keywords - treat each of these fields like the title tag in html.  Next, submit, submit, submit.  Submit this keyworded, interesting video everywhere you can.

Last, post the video on your site with relevant and connected text.  Post it everywhere that is even closely related.  In my restaurant example: The main page, menu page, heck even on your keyworded 404 page.  Hopefully, this video will add value to your readers too - remember that video significantly improves CTR, time on site and lowers bounce rates.

Why this works:

Increasingly, search engines are combining sources to determine relevance.  Relevance very clearly equals higher rankings.  Since there isn't a lot of competition on video sites for a wide variety of keywords and terms, it's possible to become influential and add a tool to your SEO and marketing toolboxes.

Posted via web from Rob Brown

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